Qindaar had a very busy day yesterday, in Direwood he went on a killing spree over a four hour time period must have wiped out 400 Drakin waiting for the Boss to spawn. Boss never spawned and so Qindaar will pick up the quest again today.
Last night Qindaar met up with Valmantia and Vmalice to run daily’s and then off to Tainted West Karana to finish up a quest. Qindaar managed to make twenty two percent XP on his way to level ninety two. Valmantia has been under the weather the last week or so, so game play has been minimum. Also, Vmalice and Valmantia are in a three hour earlier time zone so that presents a challenge in itself. I do appreciate their playing and help.
Today Qindaar will continue on his Shield of Otherworlds quest, which is quite involved, he is about half way through it, they trouble being getting the Boss to spawn for each required piece. Some spawn quickly while others take hours.