Been a Busy Few Weeks in EQ

With the release of the new expansion, Vmalice, Qindaar and the gang of seven have been spending time collecting our Tiet 1 armor for the new expansion.  Derevaun is almost complete while Qindaar lags behind a bit.  Vmailice has been a huge help in scoping out where we should camp in advance.

While not adventuring with the gang, Qindaar continues working the hunters quests.  Slowly he completes them.  He is currently stuck in North Desert Ro camping the very illusive Dunedigger.  He spawns in game time once every two years, so you can see he is quite impossible to get.  This is the same dilemma he faced in Jaggedpines trying to get the very rare black leapord.

Going to take a break from the hunters quests to work on the new anniversary quests and see where that leads

Have fun gamming!