Blackburrow Traveler

2015-04-29_15-15-59 2015-04-29_15-16-18Quidaar has been assisting the Darkpaws in returning to Blackburrow. So far he has done five tasks for them with the last one “Send a Message” by killing one of the Named MoBs.  One more to go, to rescue Guard Ellory and Qindaar will be moving on unless he decides to do a special or something.

Working Away on the Hero’s Journey Progressions

EQ 16th AnnivQindaar is still plugging away at the Hero’s Journey Progressions, currently working in Oceangreen Hills.  Looks like he will wrap that up and move to Blackburrow soon.

Qindaar also made a trip to Shard’s Landing to see how the MoB’s conned there, even at level ninety six they were still very yellow to him. He will have to get another level under his belt before he can go back and pick up where he left off in quests.