EverQuest Game Updates for March 12, 2025

March 12, 2025

*** Highlights ***

– Fixed a bug that caused NPCs, including pets, to pause their melee attacks after casting a spell. This fixes the infamous “pet melee lag” issue.

*** Items ***

– Aureate Figurine and Empowered Aureate Figurine now share a recast timer.
– All Heritage crates are available for a limited time! (3/16 – 4/1)
– Consuming a Perfected Augmentation Distiller when swapping augments is now indicated in a different color.
– Many type 7/8 augments from Torment of Velious, Claws of Veeshan, Terror of Luclin, Night of Shadows, Laurion’s Song, and The Outer Brood have been moved off lore groups onto lore-equip groups.
– Updated prices of Wrist Armor Lining of Rebellion and Feet Armor Lining of Rebellion sold by Tamlin Wrathbone in Hodstock Hills.
– One of the two augments that were named Sharp-Edged Pearl Shard has had its name changed to Rough-Edged Pearl Shard.

*** Tradeskills ***

– Fixed a bug where buying Tradeskill Depot slots up to the maximum value would fail to actually increment the value.

*** Quests & Events ***

– Brood Architect (raid) – Breath of Hazuri is now a cone spell rather than an area of effect.
– Brood Architect (raid) – The Own the Hoard achievement can now be completed.
– Brood Architect (raid) – Fixed an issue that would cause the unripe to not be damaged when mesmerized if all of them were mesmerized.
– Silence the Cannons (raid) – Changed the decal for the cannons from the “rainbow” to the “frost” version.
– The Perfect Companion (quest) – Updated the Perfect Companion quest to complete appropriately if you have collected 15 of 16 hair samples.
– Added a meta achievement for completing all live events for the year. This achievement will be updated throughout the year as the events become available.
– Fixed collect steps on quests not updating when looting the item via Advanced Loot.
– Bristlebane Day – During the celebration head over to the Twilight Sea and check in with Kiroric Huk. He looks a little green.

*** Spells ***

– Paladin – Increased the amount of hate added by all ranks of the Valiant Deflection ability, as well as the additional hate added to the Valiant Healing component. Added Paladin levels to Valiant Healing II and higher. Lowered the casting time. Increased the mana cost so the line is now slightly less efficient than pure heals with similar cast times.
– Paladin – Increased the initial hate and duration hate added by the Righteous Audacity line of magic resistance debuffs. Extended the duration to a base of 5 minutes, made it harder to resist, and increased the mana cost.
– Shadowknight – Increased the initial hate and duration hate added by the Insidious Audacity line of magic resistance debuffs. Extended the duration to a base of 5 minutes, made it harder to resist, and increased the mana cost.
– Added spell descriptions for spells used by “named” NPCs in The Outer Brood.

*** AA ***

– Enchanter – Updated the Class AA, Calculated Insanity, with 1 new rank available at level 125, increasing the spell critical damage bonus to 24%.
– Enchanter – Updated the Class AA, Chromatic Haze, with 1 new rank available at level 125, increasing the spell damage bonus to 400%.
– Enchanter – Updated the Class AA, Illusions of Grandeur, with 1 new rank available at level 125, increasing the spell critical damage bonus to 186% and the spell critical damage over time bonus to 146%.
– Enchanter – Updated the Class AA, Mental Contortion, with 1 new rank available at level 125, increasing the damage per tick to 18000.
– Paladin – Updated the Class AA, Blessing of the Faithful, rank 1 – max rank, to have a trigger chance of 84% – 90% and to increase base melee damage by 35% – 280% and AC by 300 – 4500. Additionally, the triggered spell now also triggers Aegis of the Faithful, which grants nearby group members a rune that absorbs 60% of the damage from a melee hit that exceeds 3200 – 43000, up to 11200 – 154000 total damage for 30 – 42 seconds. Aegis of the Faithful also heals for 230 – 7850 health every 6 seconds.
– Shadow Knight – Updated the Class AA, Mortal Coil, rank 1 – max rank, to have a trigger chance of 80% – 86% and a duration of 30 – 42 seconds. The trigger chance now also has a cooldown of 36 – 48 seconds.
– AA ranks of Trophy Collector obtained on different personas before it became shareable should now be the correct rank on all personas.

*** NPCs ***

– Fixed a bug that caused NPCs, including pets, to pause their melee attacks after casting a spell. This fixes the infamous “pet melee lag” issue.
– The target ring for the dragons of the Outer Brood should now be more suitable for their size.
– The hit points restored to the NPC by Choking Grapple has been reduced.

*** Miscellaneous ***

– Fixed a bug where tribute wasn’t properly separately upgraded per persona.
– Tribute will now always be deactivated when swapping personas.
– Guild real estate neighborhoods can now evict non-guild plots that are owned by a player who’s not in the guild after 30 days. The auto eviction option is controlled by a checkbox (default: OFF) in the Guild Management Window’s Access tab. The auto eviction option checkbox is restricted to the guild leader.

*** UI ***

– Fixed an issue that obstructed the search for spell scrolls by level in the Bazaar.

– Changed –


*** Previously Updated ***

– Fixed an issue with luck data that could cause spells to do damage instead of heal.
– A few quest items that drop in The Broken Mirror expansion have had their No Free Trade flag removed.
– Corrected an issue that could cause a world crash.

– The EverQuest Team