Qindaar and Vmalice teamed up Friday and Saturday night for a full out leveling experience. First we ran daily’s on Friday night and then attempted
Anniversary Shared Task: Pirates of Timorous Deep
We managed to make it through until the last named kill. Qindaar was killed instantly with one hit while Vmalice kited him around and around until he killed him. We did not make in in the required amount of time and failed the mission. Although we had a good time and the XP was great.
On Saturday night we ran daily’s again and Vmalice played his alt Vneareal. We were running for XP all night. Qindaar pulled off 10 AA points and 30+% of XP. It was a good night.
Qindaar will now head back to the Mech Fortress to finish up the final tasks there and move on to a new adventure.