Pantheon, Rise of the Fallen Beta Testing Update

Exciting news about Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen! It’s great to hear that the game is progressing well and that the details are being refined. Given my NDA constraints, I can’t share too much, but it’s still thrilling to get a glimpse of what’s happening.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is a high fantasy MMORPG set in the world of Terminus, which is known for its rich lore and challenging gameplay1The game emphasizes social interaction, encouraging players to form groups and guilds to tackle difficult encounters1.

The development of starting points for races is a significant milestone. In Pantheon, players can choose from nine races and twelve classes, each with unique abilities and roles1. The starting zones will likely enhance the immersive experience, providing a unique backdrop and storyline for each race.

I can share these screenshots.  And if you have any other insights or experiences from your beta testing that you can discuss, feel free to share. How are you finding the gameplay and community so far?